Thursday, August 11, 2011


Welcome to my pursuit! As most of you are aware, I will soon be departing for the University of Cambridge to read for MPHILs in Development Studies and International Relations at Clare College. I have been blessed to receive both the Nolan Scholarship and the Rotary Ambassadorial Scholarship. I am truly indebted to Mr. and Mrs. John Nolan for this funding and Rotary District 6650 and the Kinsman Area Rotary Club for allowing me to represent their organization abroad. This blog will cover a broad range of topics to include my explorations of the world, commentary on contemporary issues, academic pursuits, and professional progression. I will endeavor to provide timely and unbiased analysis of issues and events which impact and influence me as a scholar, citizen, and naval officer. I hope that you will engage my posts by sharing, debating, and contesting my thoughts, assertions, and understandings of the world in which we live. I look forward to your active participation.
-John Miller