Curriculum Vitae

John Miller
Ensign, United States Navy
24 Grafton Street; Cambridge, Cambridgeshire, CB1 1DS, United Kingdom
U.S. Naval Academy, B.S Political Science, Honors with Distinction (2007-2011)
·   Grade Point Average: 3.99 on a 4.0 scale
·   Academic Order of Merit: 11th of 1,012
University of Cambridge, MPhil Development Studies Candidate (Fall 2011-Present)
·   Commenced October 2011
Nolan Scholarship (Fall 2011-Present)            
            ·   Selected from a competitive pool of the top scholars at the U.S. 
                Naval Academy to attend the University of Cambridge for
                two-years of funded study.
Rotary Ambassadorial Scholarship (Fall 2011-Present)
·      Selected by Rotary International District 6650 in Northeastern 
    Ohio to serve as its representative to Rotary International District 
    1080 and the local Cambridge Rotary Club.
·      Serve as a participant in and transmission source of Rotary 
    best-business practices, fundraising, and service projects.
Naval Academy Foreign Affairs Conference Award (Spring 2011)
·      Awarded to the top performing midshipman who contributes
    most to the success of the Naval Academy Foreign Affairs 
CDR Frank J Graziano Memorial Award (Spring 2011)
·      Awarded to the midshipman of the graduating class deemed 
    most proficient in practical and theoretical navigation and 
Superintendent’s List (Fall 2008-Spring 2011)
·       Met the following criteria each semester at U.S. Naval 
     Academy: GPA above 3.4; “A” in military leadership; 
     “A” in Conduct; “A” or “B” in physical fitness
Research Analyst, Chief of Naval Operations Office (May 2011-October 2011)
·      Selected to work at the Strategic Action Group, an 
    office that provides direct analytic, strategic planning,
    and strategic communication support to the Chief of
    Naval Operations, the highest ranking officer in the U.S. 
·      Served as the most junior commissioned officer in the 
    entire office.
Political Science Honors Program (Fall 2009-Spring 2011)
           ·    Selected by the Naval Academy’s Political Science 
                Department to research and  write an undergraduate 
                thesis entitled, “Taxation without Representation
                Sustaining Hybrid Regimes.”
            ·   Utilized comparative case studies of Ghana and 
                Uganda as well as an error correction model to 
                expand the explanatory power of fiscal contract theory.
Presenter, Midwest Political Science Association Annual Conference (Spring 2011)
            ·   Presented honors thesis to leading academics in the field 
                of political science, allowing for follow-on revision, 
                distribution, and review.
Recipient, Olmsted Foundation Cultural Immersion Scholarship (May 2010- June 2010)
·   Selected by the Olmsted Foundation to study social 
     anthropology and post-conflict development in Vietnam
     and Cambodia.
            ·   Completed volunteer field work with Global Community 
                 Service Foundation.
            ·    Represented the U.S. Navy as part of its Language, Regional 
                 Expertise, Cultural Awareness (LREC) Program.
Action Officer, Chief of Naval Operations Executive Panel (July 2010-August 2010)
·     Served at the federal advisory committee to the Chief of 
     Naval Operations.
·     Coordinated a study on Brazil and its impact on the U.S.
  Navy for the Subcommittee on Latin America and the 
            ·    Submitted a report on the Brazilian military-industrial 
                 complex and its influence on the Brazilian National Defense Strategy.
Fellow, Center for the Study of the Presidency and Congress (Spring 2009- Spring 2010)
             ·   Nominated by the U.S. Naval Academt and chosen as 
                 one of 85 Presidential Fellows from leading American 
                 colleges and universities.
              ·   Researched, wrote, and submitted for publication a 
                  paper on the War Powers Resolution and 
                  executive-legislative rivalry.
Naval Academy Foreign Affairs Conference Head Moderator (Fall 2010-Spring 2011)
              ·    Organized, developed, and lead the training course for 
                    twelve round table moderators in preparation for the
                    largest undergraduate foreign affairs conference in the
Corporation Founder, Bridges Through Education (Summer 2010-Present)
            ·    Founded a 501-C3, tax-exempt, non-profit organization to 
                  provide educational materials to underprivileged students in
                  both developed and developing countries.
·    Established partnership with Global Community Service 
      Foundation and delivered 600 books to students in Vietnam
      as part of our project “Bridges to Dong Ha.”
·     Expanded efforts to South Africa, Cameroon, and rural Ohio 
      to counter  institutional and material inequity in education.
Instructor, Higher Achievement Program Baltimore (Summer 2010-Summer 2011)
                ·    Worked as an instructor and role model to inner-city, 
                  5th and 6th graders at Collington Square Elementary and 
                  Middle School.
      ·     Taught a three-hour, weekly, after-school, enrichment 
           curriculum in Math for at risk students.
Member, Golden Key International Honors Society (Fall 2009-Present)                        
             ·    Selected for this society on the basis of academic achievement 
                   and community service activities.
Vice President, Phi Kappa Phi Honors Society (Spring 2010-Present)
              ·    Elected to the nation’s oldest, largest, and most selective honor 
                   society.  Membership is restricted to the top 7.5 percent of 
                   second-semester juniors.   
Member, Pi Sigma Alpha (Spring 2011-Present)
                  ·      Selected to the largest and most distinguished political 
                    science honors society in the United States.