Monday, December 5, 2011

The Press Officer of March Rotary Club

John Miller. Ensign, United States Navy.

The Star Spangled Banner and the Union Jack, hung in harmony on Monday the 21st November at the regular evening meeting of March Rotary Club. This was in honour of the Guest Speaker, Ensign John Miller, of the U.S. Navy.

Introduced by Junior Vice President, Peter Bennett, John, whose home is Kinsman, a small rural community in the North East Ohio, is the Rotary Ambassadorial Scholar for District 6650.

At the moment, he is studying Institutional, Sociological and Economic Development at Clare College, Cambridge. On graduation from Badger High School, he was fortunate enough to be awarded an appointment in the U.S. Naval Academy in Annapolis, Maryland.

During his 4 years of training, he served on both ocean going and submarine vessels, gaining a Bachelor of Science in Political Science with Honours. This enabled him to apply for, and receive financial backing from his District Rotary Clubs, and in particular, the generosity of Mr John Nolan and wife Joan, to continue his studies in England, for the next two years.

March was the first of the many Rotary Clubs in East Anglia that John will be visiting during his stay. Based on this evening’s presentation, it is fair to say others can look forward to hearing a fascinating insight into the life of an Ensign in the 21st Century and a true Ambassador for his home town of Kinsman.

Questions ranged from Navel dealings with Somali Pirates, the closure of many previous productive factories in his State, how to revitalise the economy, and the use of vertical take-off ‘Jump Jets’.

A vote of thanks was given by John Reeve, endorsing the feelings of all that this had been a very worthwhile evening.

Robert Freeman-Press Officer.

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