Sunday, October 16, 2011

Social Value

      Last night, I hosted the first social at my new home for all of the students who are studying Development Studies at Cambridge. To begin, the program is quite diverse. As an interdisciplinary program, students come from a variety of academic backgrounds. As one would expect, it is also multinational.  My purpose for hosting the social was for people to meet and socialize outside the parameters of academia. It was wholly successful with nearly 30 students from 16 different nationalities attending. The house proved quite welcoming and spacious and the requests for a repeat performance were many. The wine flowed and the conversation was lively. I hardly expected the group to stay past midnight, but they were up for the challenge. The experience was mutually beneficial. I shared about the U.S. Navy, the Rotary, and Bridges Through Education. I also learned from my peers as they shared their experiences growing up and studying within different societies and cultures. Alas, I can finally put names with the numerous faces that I see each day at lectures.
    Events such as this provide an opportunity to increase mutual understanding. They provide an opportunity to delve into the motivations and aspirations of others. Each individual is driven by a certain purpose and a certain interest, which I found is often country or even regionally specific. The common denominator is the general drive and motivation to facilitate change and to make an impact in the world. The University of Cambridge, and in particular, the Development Studies Committee, has provided a commonality amongst a disparate group of people. Given the opportunity, it is then our responsibility to grow and learn together. Last night provided the first real opportunity to develop synergy within the group. It was my intent to facilitate this development and it will be my goal to see it through to the end of our time together by the Cam. I look forward to hosting the next event and gaining new perspectives, new ideas, and new friends.

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